
Did you know the most common reason veterans and spouses do not get a federal job interview is because they submitted their corporate resume for a federal job? Uh, oh. Is that what you are doing, too?

I get it. Back in the day, I tried that same strategy myself. Then I could not understand why I kept getting passed over for an interview when the job listing seemed like it was written just for me.

Getting rejected was demoralizing, depressing and downright infuriating. I was sure there had to be a flaw in the system.

Then I decoded the secrets of the undeniable federal resume for veterans, transitioning military members and spouses. It turns out we are not unqualified for the federal jobs we want. There isn’t a conspiracy against us. Instead, most of us are writing a bad federal resume, because we do not know the unspoken rules.

I can fix that for you. Jump to the top of the undeniable pile by learning all the buried secrets of the federal resume. Sign up today for our FREE 90-minute transition master class — The Undeniable Federal Resume: How Veterans and Spouses Can Land the Federal Job Offer — on Thursday, Feb. 29, at 4 p.m. Eastern.

In this class, you will learn:

1. Hidden gold

How to find the hidden gold in a federal job listing so that you know you are qualified before you write one word of your federal resume.

2. Perfect bullet points

How to build a federal bullet point so that the human resources specialist clues into your key accomplishments and refers you instantly for an interview.

3. Goof-proof execution

How to use the USAJOBS Resume Builder to make your resume goof-proof — and then make it stand out from the crowd.

4. Bonus content

Attend the class, and I will make sure you get our FREE federal resume template to save hours on resume writing. No guessing, hoping and stressing required.

5. Free coaching

Find out how you can get a chance to win free coaching from me on your federal resume, as well as an opportunity to join our federal resume lab.

The federal government is the largest military employer in the country, with one in four veterans working in government. Make yourself undeniable by taking our master class.

Jacey Eckhart is‘s transition master coach. She is a certified professional career coach and military sociologist who helps military members get their first civilian job by offering career-level Master Classes through our Veteran Employment Project and on her website, Reach her at [email protected].

Find Your Next Job Fast

Transitioning military, veterans and spouses may be qualified for the job, but they are missing the secrets of civilian hiring. Find out everything you need to know with our FREE master class series, including our next class. You can view previous classes in our video library. Questions for Jacey? Visit our Facebook page.

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